Humility – Walking Humbly With Your God

Presented at Curwensville Alliance on 5/12/24 by Pastor Steve Shields.

There are dangers in humility. You may think “I am nothing.” “I am humbled to say….” If we are not thinking sometimes what we regard as humility is pride in disguise. “Who am I to judge?” Biblical humility does not require us to abandon the belief that some things are true and others false.

How do we walk Humbly with God? Lose the swagger. “You’re most dangerous in the Kingdom of God when you’re right.” – Bernie Knefley. Prioritize the needs of others.

How do we acquire Biblical humility? Acknowledge you don’t have it and never will. The closer you walk with your God, the more humility will flourish. Ask God to kill the part of you that walks in pride. Ask the Holy Spirit to alert you when you walk outside of humility.