The Enemy of Your Soul

Presented at Curwensville Alliance on 10/29/23 by Pastor Steve Shields.

You have an enemy.

The motivation of your enemy is to hate what God loves. This explains things like why humankind suffers and why the Bible warns us about the occult and spiritism.

Your enemy has tactics he likes to use. These tactics are the allure of selfishness, the temptation of arrogance and the foolishness of under estimation.

So how do you stand against the enemy of your soul? You choose humility. You seek wisdom. You trust the goodness of God.

The Purpose of Our Relationships :: RELATIONSHIPS

Presented at Curwensville Alliance on 10/22/23 by Chaplain Branden Root.

What is the purpose of our relationships?

According to Matthew 28:18-20, it is to go and make disciples.

What do we do when we find someone who wants to be discipled? We build a relationship founded in Christ and focused on growing in Christ.

The Forgotten Beatitude

Presented at Curwensville Alliance on 10/15/23 by Josh Tkacik.

Listen as Josh Tkacik discusses how even bold disciples will encounter doubt as he looks at Luke 7. Jesus extends grace in the face of our doubt. Doubt is not at odds with faith. Unbelief is at odds with faith.

At some point in your life, you will experience a crisis, crossroad or event that will shake your spiritual foundation just as John was shaken sitting in that damp jail cell.

Jesus’ practice of offending people was to expose their hearts. The same events that produced John’s doubts, Jesus used to answer John’s questions.

Anyone can believe in fair weather. God offers us a deeper experience in our adversity. The question is will you follow a God that you do not understand.

The application to our lives is that Christ isn’t subject to our personal opinions. Jesus is kind. Jesus is not angered at John’s doubt. You will get offended in your deepest relationships. Being offended is inevitable. Living offended is a choice.

Relationships :: RELATIONSHIPS

Presented at Curwensville Alliance on 09/08/23 by Rev. Bernie Knefley.

God created us for relationships. He recognized from the beginning that man needed relationships.

Relationship is part of our worship. God uses relationships to bring people to Him.

Relationships are important. God wants to live in and through us so others see Him in us.

Your relationship vertically with God will affect your ability to walk horizontally in relationship with others.