A Deep Thankfulness For Having What We Need

Presented at Curwensville Alliance on 11/24/24 by Pastor Steve Shields.

Listen as Pastor Steve discusses Psalm 91.

Psalm 91 discusses what you need in life: a place to be, a Rescuer – a Savior, a real security, and a bigger perspective.

What do you need to do?

Love Him! Call out to Him. Rely on Him.

Something Wrong? Maybe the Problem Centers on Thankfulness :: COLOSSIANS

Presented at Curwensville Alliance on 6/11/23 by Pastor Steve Shields.

As we look in Colossians 3, we see three desirable instructions. Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts. Let the message of Christ dwell among you. Let the supremacy of Christ oversee your life.

The key ingredient for these three instructions is thankfulness.

The peace of Christ rules in thankful hearts. The message of Christ dwells in thankful fellowships. The supremacy of Christ reigns in our lives when we give thanks.

How do you have thankfulness? You need to cultivate thankfulness in all of your life. Thankfulness enriches your worship experience. Thankfulness brings grace to your home life. Thankfulness influences every imaginable interaction.


Presented at Curwensville Alliance on 11/21/21 by Pastor Steve Shields.

During this Thanksgiving season, let’s look at Colossians 2:6-15 to see the reasons Christ gives us to be thankful.

Christ gives us life. He makes us stronger. Our faith has substance in Him. Christ has power over all. Christ changes us, and He has removed our guilt and shame.

When you are thankful, you are made aware of what God has done. By reviewing the blessings God has given you, you can be thankful. And you can trust that God will be with you whatever is ahead.