
Presented at Curwensville Alliance on 7/16/23 by Pastor Steve Shields.

Listen as Pastor Steve discusses baptism and your role in baptism.

Baptism represents cleansing. Baptism doesn’t make us clean. Jesus makes us clean, but baptism is a picture of our cleansing.

Jesus offers a fresh start or a reboot. Baptism is a picture of that fresh start.

As you watch a baptism, you are not a spectator. Instead you have the role of examiner. Not to examine those being baptized, but to examine your own heart to see if you are dead to sin and alive in Christ.

You also have the role of encourager. To cheer on those being baptized. Not just today, but also next week and next year and beyond. The Bible tells us we are to encourage one another.


Presented at Curwensville Alliance on 9/18/21 by Pastor Steve Shields.

Listen as Pastor Steve leads us through the 3 aspects of Baptism.

The physical aspect is shown as we are “buried” with Christ through Baptism.

The family aspect is shown as we are children of God.

The commitment aspect is shown as baptism is a public display of our commitment.

The Baptism of Jesus :: BIBLE STORIES

Presented at Curwensville Alliance on 5/01/22 by Pastor Steve Shields.

John the Baptist is on a mission to tell others that Jesus is coming and to be ready.

When Jesus comes for baptism He is in the wrong line, and is the least expected person to need baptism. However, Jesus’ baptism has an important purpose.

Why is Jesus in this line? Jesus identifies with us. He is initiating His ministry. The Godhead proclaims the work of the Son.

Jesus fulfills all righteousness in His obedience. As we identify with Him, His obedience becomes our own.


Presented at Curwensville Alliance on 9/26/21 by Pastor Steve Shields.

Baptism, what is the big deal?

Listen as Pastor Steve explains the big deal about baptism in a unique way.

Baptism points to Jesus, and what He has done for us.

Baptism is a big deal because Jesus said to be baptized.

Baptism shows our commitment to God.

Baptism shows our need for Christian community.

Baptism reminds us of the essentialness of Christ.


Presented at Curwensville Alliance on 8/22/21 by Pastor Steve Shields.

Isn’t it interesting the emphasis people put on the last words spoken by someone? The words of Jesus before He ascends back into heaven include to baptize and be baptized. Let’s take a closer look at the words Jesus speaks.

Jesus tells us to go. We go to share what we have discovered. We share with those around us the love of God, whether that be to those we work with, those in our homes or to a different country.

Jesus us expects us to be disciples and make disciples. We love those around us and let our light shine. We help people find forgiveness and life in Jesus. We also teach people to follow Jesus.

Jesus tells us to baptize and be baptized. Baptism indicates cleansing, transformation and commitment to Christ.