The Importance of Commitment :: RELATIONSHIPS

Presented at Curwensville Alliance on 11/12/23 by Pastor Steve Shields.

The most essential element in a healthy relationship is commitment.

Commitment is more than a feeling. Commitment is a clear decision resulting in change. Commitment endures.

Commitment creates a sense of security and confidence. Commitment lays a foundation for effective living. Commitment demonstrates Christlikeness. Healthy relationships cannot exist without commitment.

When entering into a commitment, look for the calling. Ask God with whom am I called to have friendships that are marked by commitment. When entering into a commitment, consider the cost. Not so you can decide if it is worth it, but so you are prepared to live out the commitment. When entering a commitment, consider the outcome.


Presented at Curwensville Alliance on 11/05/23 by Pastor Steve Shields.

Why is gratitude important in relationships? Ingratitude is ugly! There is the never enough attitude, which damages relationships. The I’m entitled attitude, which damages relationships. The I’m special attitude, which damages relationships.

Gratitude is powerful! When you show gratitude, you show the love of God and help others to believe.

How is gratitude powerful? It proclaims to others their value. It says “You are making a difference.”. It helps others to believe God is at work in them. Gratitude creates emotional and spiritual connection. It helps people feel wanted.

Gratitude finds its source in grace! Gratitude toward God overflows into all of life.

Relationships :: RELATIONSHIPS

Presented at Curwensville Alliance on 09/08/23 by Rev. Bernie Knefley.

God created us for relationships. He recognized from the beginning that man needed relationships.

Relationship is part of our worship. God uses relationships to bring people to Him.

Relationships are important. God wants to live in and through us so others see Him in us.

Your relationship vertically with God will affect your ability to walk horizontally in relationship with others.

Pouring Out Joy :: RELATIONSHIPS

Presented at Curwensville Alliance on 09/10/23 by Pastor Steve Shields.

Are you a joy sucker?

Listen as Pastor Steve shows the difference between joy pouring and joy sucking. Grace, gentleness and encouragement are joy pouring and criticism, insistence and demoralization are joy sucking.

Jesus’ heart overflows with joy. He poured out His joy at advent. He poured out His joy while teaching. He pours out joy at the end of the age.

How do we get joy to pour out? We receive, experience and apply God’s grace. We lay hold of the gentleness of Jesus. When we embrace the gentleness of Jesus it changes who we are. When we sincerely encourage others.

Maintenance :: RELATIONSHIPS

Presented at Curwensville Alliance on 9/03/23 by Pastor Steve Shields.

Everything needs maintenance including relationships. Noises alert you when maintenance is required. Like that clicking noise in the car or the clunk in the washer.

Maintenance means paying attention. Listen for the noise, and examine the real source of the noise. This means you need to pay attention to your relationships.

The keys to healthy maintenance in your relationships are to treat one another with respect, consider others before yourself and make Christ and what He has done your focus.

Valuing Differences :: RELATIONSHIPS

Presented at Curwensville Alliance on 8/27/23 by Pastor Steve Shields.

Listen as Pastor Steve goes through the passage in Romans 14:1-12. This passage is talking about disputable matters. It is not talking about clear violations of Scriptures.

Acceptance means more than just putting up with people. It means not quarrelling with one another. It means not dismissing another. It means knowing your place.

In relationships we need to value differences. Valuing differences deepens marriages, preserves friendships and enhances the kingdom!

Reliability :: RELATIONSHIPS

Presented at Curwensville Alliance on 8/20/23 by Pastor Steve Shields.

Listen as Pastor Steve discussed the importance of reliability in relationships.

Biblically, reliable means faithful. It means being trustworthy. It means being faithful to the task.

Timothy is a picture of reliability in the Bible. He has stick-to-itiveness. He cares about others. He has reliability grounded in and coming from relationships.

We need to look to Jesus to develop reliability. He is your role model. He is your empowerer. His Spirit gives you power.

Communication :: RELATIONSHIPS

Presented at Curwensville Alliance on 8/13/23 by Pastor Steve Shields.

Good communication is essential in healthy relationships! It is essential in marriage. It is essential in casual everyday relationships. It is essential in your relationship with God.

The Bible gives us some guidelines on communication. We are to communicate intentionally. We are to communicate simply. We are to communicate deeply.

The best commination comes from people who have been to the cross. It is at the cross that we learn the importance of intentional living. It is at the cross that we see the strength of simplicity. It is at the cross that we learn to value deep intimacy – deep communication.