The Significance Of The Ordinary :: KINGDOM FOCUS

Presented at Curwensville Alliance on 04/07/24 by Pastor Steve Shields.

There is great significance in the ordinary. You do not have to shake the world to have value. Ordinary people living ordinary lives have an extraordinary impact. The Kingdom is made of the ordinary.

God gives the ordinary significance.

What are you doing here? I am living here. I am working here. I am praying here. I am singing here. I am keeping watch here. The people in Nehemiah were doing ordinary things, and God put their names on the pages of the Bible.

In order to see significance in the ordinary we need to use perspective. God defines significance. You need to use humility. You cannot be significant apart from God. You need to trust that God won’t forget you. To see the significance of the ordinary in the kingdom you need to be in the pages of the Bible.