Got Questions? Find Answers

Presented at Curwensville Alliance on 6/25/23 by Pastor Steve Shields.

Do you have questions about life? Listen as Pastor Steve goes through Psalm 119:9-16 to show how the Bible has answers to those life questions.

We all face common problems in life. Too often we make life altering decisions that we later regret. We feel empty inside. The very fact that we feel like life is not all it’s cracked up to be tells us that there really is something more. We have a tendency to give up. We fail to embrace the joy that God offers us in life.

What does the Bible provide for these life problems? It protects you from regret. The Bible is the fulfillment of our longing because it points us to the One who can fill us. The Bible provides us with a life of joy.

How do we read the Bible? First, pick it up! Expect guidance to come from the text. Dig into the text. Cherish God’s word.

Got questions? Find answers. The spiritual climate of our world is at a place perhaps like never before, where you need to read and study the Bible.