Christianity and Atheism…

Most of you know I read loads — especially loads of online material. Some might argue that  consuming what is online is not “reading”, and in many respects, I would agree. But as one who desires to engage the culture where it is, for the cause of Christ, I find reading articles and blogs online very enlightening. I especially devote my attention to reading posts written by those antagonistic to Jesus — after all, they are the ones He came to seek and to save, right? I want to know how they think.

Yesterday, I came across an atheist’s argument against belief in God based on the idea that the more analytical one becomes, the more likely one is to question the existence of God. The argument was flawed from the beginning, because it failed to take into account that the more analytical you become, the more you question everything. And just because I question something, say the law of gravity, doesn’t mean that law is undependable. It’s quite dependable.

As he asserted his proposition, the atheistic writer evoked the spirit of Einstein — making the claim that all thinking people are atheistic. Is this true? Was Einstein atheistic? I have heard Christians use him to support belief in God, and I hear atheists use him to support their believe in non-god.

How did Einstein regard religious faith? To answer that question, may I suggest this 2007 article from Time Magazine? It shows Einstein’s perspectives on religion (ones I agree and disagree with) and it shows the tendency to bend the truth — a tendency that plagues atheists and theists alike.
~Pastor Steve