June 2020
This is what we’ve all been waiting for!
We will have our first service in over two months this Sunday, June 7 – at 8 am and 10:45 am. Things will be very different, but the Board of Ministries noted, these are baby steps. It won’t always be this way.
If you’d rather have this information in video form, it’s here.
Otherwise, scroll down and read!
One of our unwritten values is to care for the vulnerable. As such, we made a number of decisions to help make our return safe for everyone. Please use your own judgment regarding attending – knowing that if you are older or in a higher health risk category, you should probably stay home. And if you feel sick at all stay home.
We all know that different people have different perspectives regarding COVID-19.

With that in mind, I am asking you to…
- Respect one another’s various opinions.
- Cooperate with your leadership as they have sought God’s leading concerning this re-opening.
- Show Christ’s love to one another – always.
You can’t go wrong when you act in love.
These guidelines will change, so check www.curwensvillealliance.org/pastorsblog regularly for updates.
About Coffee
First things first…. We regret to inform you that we will not provide any beverages at this time. We know this may be a hardship for many of us!!! Feel free to bring your own beverage. The water fountain will be unavailable as well.
About Staying Home
If you are sick or have a cough, you must stay home. If you are warm to the touch, take your temperature before coming. If it is above normal, stay home and watch the live-stream on Facebook.
About Fellowship
Please do not embrace. Do not shake hands – or even bump elbows. Maintain the standard 6 feet for social distancing. If you cough, please cough into your arm. Since a large group cannot maintain the recommended distance of 6 feet indoors, please visit with one another outside of the building.
About the Entering the Building
So that you do not have to touch the door handles, Usher Greeters will open them. They may have instructions for you. Don’t shake their hands, but check to see if they have information you need.
About Masks
Out of respect for one another, please wear a mask in the building. While seated in the sanctuary, you may remove it if you wish. If you have no mask, we have a limited supply available.
We know this is uncomfortable and, in some minds, unnecessary, but we ask that you do it for the safety of others or at least out of respect for them. Naturally, young children cannot be expected to wear masks.
About Singing
There is concern that singing increases the spread of illness. Group singing is forbidden in places like Germany and New Mexico. Because of this, we would encourage you to enjoy the music silently and prayerfully. If you choose to sing aloud, please wear your mask.
About Children’s Ministry and Sunday School
There will be no staffed children’s ministry. The nursery is available to care for children personally. Please clean up and practice distancing. Children’s worship bulletins and activity sheets are on the literature table. No Sunday School classes will be held.
About the Offering
The ushers will not be passing the offering plates. They will walk past your row and, if you choose to give this way, you can drop your gift in the plate. You can also give online or mail your gift. See the option at the top of the screen at www.curwensvillealliance.org.
About Communion
Elders will sanitize their hands and distribute the prefilled communion cups with wafer.
About Dismissal
Ushers will dismiss you, starting in the back, similar to the dismissal procedure used at a wedding. Please go to the parking lot so you can enjoy talking with friends with adequate social distance.
I know that no one likes these guidelines, and we intend to move away from them as time moves forward. In the meantime, we’ll be streaming online on our church Facebook page.
Hand Sanitizer
Bring your own hand sanitizer if you can, as the supply at the church building is limited.
Traffic Flow
Because our lobby is too small for everyone to visit while maintaining the required distance, please proceed to the sanctuary and find a seat. Follow the arrows on the floor to aid with traffic flow. Some areas of the building will be closed. Please respect the signs.
Which Service to Attend
To provide adequate social distancing, we are removing half of our seating. This will drop our seating capacity greatly. Some churches require people to RSVP so that they don’t run out of seating. We are hoping not to have to do this, if a number of people who normally attend the 10:45 service will come to the 8 am service. If a service fills up, we’ll ask those arriving late to tune in online.

If you normally attend the second service (10:45), please consider attending the early one (8 am).
Sick Room:
Room 101 (Overflow – Activities Center) is available for use if anyone becomes sick while on site.
The Board of Ministries will be meeting in another week. You’ll want to pay attention to the changes that may come about. This document is subject to change. Always check here for the latest details: