Recently, I was with some pastors and I said to them…
Well, check the video here.
That’s a core-value of Curwensville Alliance.
We pray about EVERYTHING!
We believe that it is the Holy Spirit who enables us to live meaningful, productive, and satisfying lives.
In this video, you may discover ways that we are praying together without being together.
This week’s video didn’t work as well as we’d hoped, but it’s here for you. The actual service video will begin after the elder prayer.
As we’ve said, The Sermon on the Mount is Jesus’ way of telling us that we’re seeing things backwards. From the start, where he notes that poor in spirit being blessed, throughout the message, he shows us that life is different than we think.
In this message, I try to help you see that theme as it runs, even through Jesus’ teaching on prayer.
One of the values at Curwensville Alliance reads:
We pray about everything. We recognize that it is the Holy Spirit who enables us to live meaningful and satisfying lives.
The Thursday Night Men’s Group is using Zoom to spend an hour or so praying together.
Guys, if you want to join us, contact me – Pastor Steve
From Bonhoeffer’s Life Together. Chapter 2, The Day with Others.