“I’m not lusting, but I am mad as fire!”

There’s an interesting phrase in Scripture where Paul is talking about whether one should get married – or not.

But if they cannot exercise self-control, they should marry. For it is better to marry than to burn with passion.

1 Corinthians 7:9 (ESV)

Most of us know what it is to burn with passion in the context of physical relationships, so we get what Paul’s talking about here.

But there’s another kind of burning with passion.

It’s spoken of in a post that a friend of mine sent me today.

Dr. Rob Reimer on Social Media

He said that it hit him right between the eyes. I understand.

Anger – among old and young and among men and women – seems to be the zeitgeist – the spirit of the age.

We blame social media or corporate media, but honestly, that’s like a teen boy blaming a pretty girl for the burning in his heart – it doesn’t work.

You and I are responsible for the fire – the passion we feel in our lives. We are responsible for what we feed it and what we do with it.

Does the zeitgeist have a hold on you?

What are you doing with your passions? What are they doing to you?

Passion, you say?

This is Passion Week – or Holy Week – the week we remember Jesus’ Passion.

These days, when I think of passion, I think of how hard my fellow church leaders are working to do their ministry. Today, Laurel was helping me make this video and I said,”And just like that, every pastor’s wife became a video producer.”


Why are all these pastors doing this?

Why are all the churches streaming?

This video speaks to that question.

What a lot of people don’t realize is that this push – this passion for the gospel – is not new for most of my peers. The circumstances simply make it more evident.

Got passion? Let it show!