Have You Been Priesting?

Do you ever feel spiritually depleted – or like your spiritual life has deteriorated?

I was thinking of how Jesus exercised his priestly function on earth by interceding for his disciples. We call one such intercession his High Priestly Prayer (John 17). Another example is what he says on the cross, “Father forgive them for they know not what they do.”

One of the first times we see a believer doing this is when Stephen is stoned. Stephen sees Jesus standing at the right hand of the Father – interceding. At that same moment, Stephen is joining in the priestly role of intercessor saying, “Lord, do not hold this sin against them.”

That’s intercession. That’s “priesting”.

In this video short, I talk about this concept of “priesting” – living out what Jesus was doing and what Stephen was doing.

This underscores how essential it is for you and me to pray for our enemies. If I am not doing this, I am not fulfilling my priestly role in that area.

If you begin “priesting”, you may find some healing in your own soul.

Open Fists :: Sermon on the Mount

Presented on 9/13/20 at Curwensville Alliance by Pastor Steve Shields

We live in a world of closed fists. Even clenched fists. Few of us really like it, but we learn to survive in it.

We learn, even, to emulate it.

In this sermon, we explore what Jesus says about our fists…. Well, he’s actually talking about our hearts.