What’s It Matter…

One sunny morning a child was walking a beach littered with starfish, left behind by the tide. As she walked among the thousands of starfish, she began to pick them up, one by one, and toss them into the sea.starfishes

Within a few minutes an adult walked by and inquired, “What are you doing?”

I’m tossing these starfish back into the sea before they dry out and die.

You’ve got to be kidding. There are thousands of starfish drying out on this beach. You can’t save them all; what does it matter?

The little girl picked up a starfish, looked at it, and said, “It matters to this one,” and tossed it into the sea.

Curwensville Alliance is watching — more than watching — participating with J&J in their adoption of one little girl from an Eastern European country. They were among the first to make many of us aware that there are 144 million orphaned children in our world.

144,000,000 oprhans. And they are adopting one. What difference could it make?

It matters to this one.