
Are you receiving emails from the e-prayerline?

One of the tools we use for prayer is the e-prayerline. There’s hardly a day goes by that there is not something on it.

We recognize that it is the Holy Spirit who enables us to live meaningful and satisfying lives.

Be sure you never mark an email from the e-prayerline as spam or Google will begin to put all of those emails into the spam folder.

If you have not been receiving email prayer requests, please check your own spam folder. Mark any e-prayerline messages in that folder as “not spam”.

If you see this in your Spam Folder on an e-prayerline request, click the REPORT NOT SPAM button.

If you attend and would like to subscribe to the e-prayerline, please give your email address to Pastor Steve.

Hybrid Small Group?

For over a year, Laurel has been conducting her small group online – recording a video and interacting with comments. In early Summer, she added in-person times so the group did both.

It was kind of a hybrid – meeting in person and meeting online.

It turns out, the participants loved that model, so she’s going to continue this model -with some tweaks.

Interested? There’s more info here:

Questions? See Laurel.


Once again, people are receiving texts or other communication from scammers, identifying as the pastor (even your own pastor) asking for donations. If this seems to come from Pastor Steve or Curwensville Alliance it is a SCAM. 😐

Neither Pastor Steve nor Curwensville Alliance will text, call, or otherwise contact you asking for money.

We don’t do ministry that way.

We never have. ❤️