Life-change happens in small groups. That’s been a value held at Curwensville Alliance for over a decade — and these days, it’s becoming part of our DNA.
Small Groups happen in a variety of places — in people’s homes, in restaurants, and right here at the church location on Susquehanna Avenue.
What to Expect
If you choose to participate in a small group, you can expect to hear others discuss life-issues from a biblical perspective. The leader of a small group doesn’t lecture, but encourages conversation around a given subject.
Topics include things like parenting, marriage, finances, personal matters, biblical spirituality, prayer, grace, managing emotions, encouraging others, life-purpose, and biblical content.
Kinds of Groups
Some small groups are ones you can come and go from week to week — like the Wednesday Prayer Group. Others require that you get a book and come prepared to engage the material that will be presented. Each small group commits to do several things:
- Meet together weekly.
- Maintain an atmosphere of commitment and confidentiality within the group.
- Spend time, as a group, in prayer.
- Focus primarily on study material that is explicitly Christian and biblical.
- Reflect the mission of Curwensville Alliance: To Know God and Make Him Known.
Leaders of Small Groups are approved by the Disciplemaking Ministries Committee.
Keep an eye on the links to the right at this site and make it your purpose to engage in small groups at Curwensville Alliance.
If you would like to learn more about small groups, contact Pastor Steve.