Prayer Gathering (4/28/21)…

One week from today (April 28), at 7 pm, Curwensville Alliance is going to go to Tim & Cristi’s home and encircle it with prayer. We are praying that the adoption of their daughter will move forward.

In case you missed it: The following day, there is a hearing regarding the adoption of the child they have had for the past two and a half years. They brought her home from the hospital as a foster child, planning to adopt, but many obstacles have prevented this from coming to a conclusion.

If you would like to join us, arrive at Tim & Cristi’s home at 7 pm, parking along the road behind their house and walking into their yard. If you are not certain where this is, join us as we carpool / caravan to their home from the church. Please arrive at the church at 6:30 pm. Otherwise we will see you at 7 pm in their yard.

Wear outdoor clothing and if the ground is wet, wear your boots.

We will begin to pray — simultaneously aloud, all in one voice — at 7 pm and conclude our time when the last voice is finished. Please wait quietly until everyone has had opportunity to pray.

Some of us will be fasting throughout the day as we prepare for this time of prayer. We invite you to do the same if you wish.

Thank you for praying – whether you can be there on the 28th or not.

Virtually Speaking…

“Pastor Steve – Our Virtual Small Group was amazing this morning!!!”

Hearing that, I had to have the leader of that group, Sue Spaid, talk about the small group she conducts on the telephone (via teleconferencing).

Sue writes:
Virtual connection is valuable because it gives people a way to connect when they can’t physically be together. Our Sunday School class connects via phone every Sunday Morning. Being able to hear everyone’s voice and share our prayer requests and listen to a short devotional makes us feel connected. We share our concerns, prayer requests and just talk to one another. We all miss the fellowship of being in class, but this helps us to feel as if we are “together”.

Thank you, Sue, for your commitment to growing the community at Curwensville Alliance.