Just this sweet reminder from the pen of Amy Carmichael, renowned missionary to India– over a century old, but so very comforting to us at the beginning of a new year:
Thou knewest me before I was;
I am all open unto Thee;
And yet Thou lovest me, because–
Thou, my Lord, lovest me.I may not fear, for to the end
Thou lovest. Who save only Thee,
The sinner’s Saviour and his Friend,
Would set his love on me?And on Thee now my heart is set;
Thy name is music unto me.
O help me never to forget
That I am loved by Thee.
Knowing that we are loved, and heard, and known, by the Savior who came down to live with us, gives our hearts the very safest place to dwell.
Amen and let us walk boldly on, into whatever may come.
I have seen You in the sanctuary and beheld Your power and your glory. Because Your love is better than life, my lips will glorify You.
Psalm 63:2-3